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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mental Processing

I'll tell you what, guys. My head is SPINNING!

The experience of attending Biff Ulm's first ever photography workshop was such a monumental and memorable experience for me. I don't think I've really even processed it entirely - I came back, tried to catch up on sleep and work on the wedding edits I had put in my queue the day the workshop started. I have notes, ideas, plans and preparations that are bursting out of my head and my notebooks - and they need my attention.

I was inspired, uneasy, challenged, excited, and urged to grow, all in a span of 4 days with 11 people I had never met before. I did all of those things, and more.

I have already begun some thoughts on rebranding. I've created a new logo that fits more where I want to push my business. The direction I am wanting to move in. I have ideas for new products, I have a new pricing structure in the works, and I have even more ideas and insight into the new website I've been contemplating. Big things are ahead!

I am ready to push my business and my photography to the next level. To make it even more worthwhile and to even further increase the quality for my precious clients. I want the experience to be FUN and rewarding - not scary and uneasy. I want to convey the importance and power of photography to those who choose to invest in me and my work.

My plan is to sit down and fully digest everything this week. It is challenging, because after a week of the flu and 4 days gone, it seems like there's a bunch of things that need attention, in addition to a family trip and some upcoming sessions. Each will get it's deserved focus, but one of my priorities for this week is to go through the notebook I wrote in during the workshop and to process my thoughts. To work my pricing structure. To set the new ideas in motion. I can't wait to see what happens along the way.

*I want to give a heads up to all past clients and to those who may be considering a photo session in the upcoming months with me. I am going to be reworking and increasing the prices for my work. This will most likely take place in the next week or two. If you have been wanting to book a session and want to do so before the price increase goes into effect, you can do that. A $50 deposit is required at this time to reserve your portrait session, and that will lock in your price. Any future increases will not affect your session. Once you deposit, you can use your session at any time in 2011 - there's no limit to when you can use it. Use it in the summer, the fall or even in the early part of next winter if you'd like. If you'd rather wait and book your session at a later date, I'll be here waiting. But I thought it only fair to give you fair warning that a price rework is in the process.

I'm off to have dinner with my family because my sister and brother-in-law are up for a visit. It's difficult for me to turn off my brain when I have THIS much swirling around in it, but I'm determined to do so for tonight. Then, it's GO time - time to move forward, to try new things, to grow and to dream!


1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Laura! It sounds like you had a wonderful experience and I am excited to watch you and your business grow. Good luck with the upcoming changes!


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