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About Me

Hi! I am Laura Radniecki, an authentic family, senior portrait and wedding photographer based out of Brainerd in central Minnesota. I am married to my high school sweetheart Matt, and we have wild dreams of one day owning a Canadian fishing resort.

-My maiden name is Hensel.
-Our anniversary is 12.29.07.
-We don't have any kids. Someday.
-I have a bachelors degree in Nursing. I haven't worked a day as an RN.
-I am a born and raised Minnesotan, except for the 8 months I lived on Oahu while Matt was an active duty Marine.
-I miss Hawaii and island living with every fiber of my being all day, every day.

I love:

Warm weather
TOMS Shoes
Dancing & Zumba
Playing cards
and Family bonding time

Not necessarily in that order.

Read the official Laura Radniecki Images version of an About Me here.

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