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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tyler - Class of 2013 - Brainerd, MN Senior Portrait Photography

Meet Tyler!

He is one of the Laura Radniecki Images RAD Senior Reps for the class of 2013. He goes to Brainerd High School, and also happens to be my brother-in-law.

Three of Tyler's Bucket List items are:

1. Go skydiving.

2. Visit New Year City.

3. Spend a week in the wilderness with only the bare necessities for supplies.
I asked Tyler where he thinks he'll be/what he thinks he'll be doing in the future and these are his predictions:

In 1 year: Wrapping up high school, and getting ready to leave for college.

In 5 years: Getting ready to graduate college with a bachelors degree. In what, he's not sure. Hoping to be on track to find a good job.

In 20 years: Hard to imagine 20 years down the road when you are 17 years old - but hopefully living in a house with a wife and a couple of kids. Hopefully successful in whatever job he chooses, and would like to continue living an active lifestyle.

I know... how hard are these questions when you are in high school?! But it is fun to think ahead, and it's even more fun to look back and see how close or how far off your predictions for yourself were! That's why I am asking my seniors these questions.
Thanks for being a good sport, Tyler! I am excited to see what is ahead for you!

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