People had lots of statuses today, saying to remember the men and women who are fighting for us. Matt got several words of thanks today. I know that everyone is thankful for the service of our military, as they should be. But today isn't Veterans Day. Today is Memorial Day - the day that specifically honors those who have fallen. Who made the ultimate sacrifice. Who loved our country enough to put it all on the line and who paid the price for our freedom. Today is in memory of those who came home in caskets with flags draped over them. Those who never made it home; who's resting places are in some foreign land, or at the bottom of Pearl Harbor. Today is really about them.
I wrote several posts in April of 2010 when one of Matt's fellow Marines from 1/3 was killed in Afghanistan. The first post was here. It shook me to my core - my worst nightmare. I still find myself thinking of the Swenson family, and of Curtis's widow a lot, but especially today. There are many other Soldiers, Marines, Sailors etc who have paid the ultimate price and who left behind families and loved ones whose lives will never be the same.
Today, we remember them.
It is because of their total and complete sacrifice that I have the freedom to sit around the table with my family, eat fried fish, play Apples to Apples with my in-laws, and laugh with my former Marine husband. While I am always thankful for all of the military for what they do for us, today, my mind and my heart go out to those who gave it all and paid the ultimate price.
For now, they watch over us from above.

Well said. The picture is perfect for the post!! We will always remember.