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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Love Your Camera - A Teach & Shoot Session

Apparently, I've got a case of Spring Fever or something! I forgot a very important detail in yesterday's post about the Love Your Camera workshop. The time! Whoops!

Here are the complete details for the first Love Your Camera session. If I have left out any other crucial pieces of information, please let me know! I'll be basking in the sunshine that's flowing in my window in the mean time.


I want this session to be fun, personal and beneficial, so there's a limit on how many spots are available. I hope that this is the first of several sessions.

If you would like to attend, send an email to lauraradniecki@gmail.com. The spots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.

This session will be along the lines of a community-ed type class, very relaxed and perfect for asking questions. No pressure, just a lot of fun! I'm excited to meet you, and help you learn about your camera.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea, Laura! Wish so much that I could participate in this...some day:)


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