I photographed Vanessa and her parents last May, when Vanessa was just 7 weeks old. That session is here. I got the chance to come back and photograph Vanessa again on Saturday, just days after her 1st birthday. It is so fun for me to get to photograph kids again, whose newborn photos I've also taken. They grow up so much and yet they are the same person. Going back to look at Vanessa's 7 week photos, I can totally see her as she is now in those little baby photos. The eyes mostly - what is it they say: the eyes never lie? Or the eyes stay the same? Something like that.
Samantha, Taylor and Vanessa, thank you so much for having me back for another session. We learned that once again, Vanessa is the boss and we like it that way! I hope you treasure these photos as much as you did the first set. Enjoy! xx, Laura
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