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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday

I'm linking up to Sweet Shot Tuesday again this week, over at My3Boybarians [button link below!] If you are visiting from over there, WELCOME! So glad you could stop by and check things out at The Rad Life.

Sweet Shot Day

I have a lengthy blog post coming up that chronicles the 1 year shoot of this little peanut, who happens to be the daughter of two of Matt and my high school friends. The shoot was the exact opposite of what we had planned for and you know what, That's OK! It turned out fantastic, and the images are really wonderful.

This one is my favorite from the shoot. Maddie's mama Jill [a fab cook and baker] made this beautiful cupcake, in hopes that Maddie would dig into it and we'd get great icing-on-the-face shots. Well, Maddie had other ideas. In the last 2 minutes of our shoot, Maddie decided she wanted to hold the plate and was not pleased when Jill tried to wrestle it away from her. The results involved tears, grass, frosting, and a photographer doubled over in hysterics.

But for now, here's the sweet shot of Mother and Daughter, fighting over a giant cupcake. The facial expressions activate my giggles in .2 seconds!



  1. Very cute...but wait, is that laughter or tears?

  2. Sheri - Tears from little miss Maddie and puzzled chuckles from her mama! I'd love to have you tune in an a day or so, I'm going to post the frame-by-frame explanation of what occurred... Let's say the cupcake ended up on the grass and Maddie wasn't too pleased. I, however, LOVED the shots that came from it all! :)

  3. That's hilarious! Probably not so funny to her at the time. Hope you were able to salvage some of the cupcake for her :)

  4. this is hilarious... i'd probably be laughing away... well done for capturing it... :)

  5. I think the mom's face is priceless. Nice capture!

  6. What a cute shot! The mom's look is saying "ppllleeeaase!"

  7. Such a cutie! I absolutely LOVE this picture . . . both their expressions - Love it!!

  8. I agree this made me giggle too! kids are so funny... and girls know what they want at an early age!

  9. that's one awesome photo shoot...good thing to remember, a cup cake. that one's really big, i think i'd be fighting for it too...thanks for stopping by!

  10. I coulda taken them both. ;)

    *snort* I love it!


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