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Monday, August 3, 2009


As promised, here are a couple photos of my ripped jeans project. They will continue to rip and fray as I wear them, but for now, they might just be my new favorites. This week when I volunteer at the Thrift Store again, I'll be on the lookout for another pair. I think this could be addicting! Haha!

My next DIY project is a sea glass mosaic around a picture frame. I have decided that I am going to wait until we get back to Minnesota to start it though, so for now I'm just collecting the glass. With all the beaches around here, I have found some amazing pieces! [There's potential for some jewelry pieces here, but I need my aunt Andrea's jewelry expertise for that...] I haven't been able to find a suitable photo frame that is wide enough to allow for the mosaic around it. If I can't find one, my dad and I will make one. Plus, I'm excited to have my dad's abundant tiling expertise available when I need to do the grout around the pieces of glass.

When that project begins, you can bet there will be photos of that too for your enjoyment. :)

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