You probably don't, but I do!
Look up in the url of your internet browser. It used to say
Now, I have my own url! This blog's new home is at
And, what's your point?? [You were asking that, right? :)]
I am excited, because this means that I have a whole new corner of the internet that is mine, all mine! If you are a regular follower of this blog, make sure to save this new url in your google reader, RSS feed, or bookmark bar.
If you try to access this blog via the old url, it will automatically redirect you here. But it's still a good idea to change the url if you have me in your feed etc.
I'm working on a new blogging schedule, which will include more photo tips, recent sessions and weddings, personal posts, as well as some product and vendor reviews from people I love.
Here's a glimpse of what is ahead:

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