Because the trees and the ground have looked so dead and barren for months and months, I'm impossibly anxious for the green leaves to start to pop out. There are a few small flowers and weeds that are coming up out of the ground, but so far, I have yet to see green leaves out on the trees. I have however, seen lots of buds popping out on the trees. Buds mean that spring is bringing the leaves out! So that means that buds are good! I LOVE BUDS!
This is the type of motto I've been sporting the past two or three weeks. I have told anyone who will listen about how much I love the buds out on the trees. I drive to my parent's house and look out in their yard at their maple trees. "Ohhh, look! The buds are huge!" My parents have hardly noticed. I say to Matt while we're driving home from church, "Look at all the buds on these trees!!" He rolls his eyes and keeps driving. My huge anxious desire for spring is making me ultra observant to the presence of these buds!
Last week, I was photographing a friend to get some new head shots for her new website, and of course, I spotted some buds. This time though, they weren't red or brown buds. They were GREEN BUDS! That means they looked even more like real leaves! I went off into my love-of-buds tangent and my friend said, "I've never really noticed the buds before. I'll think of you every time I see them now!" I'm happy to spread my love of buds and my enthusiasm for spring, whenever it decides to come and stay!
So here is what the fuss is all about. Look at these buds!!

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