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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I am home from my second and last vacation of the 2011 [that I know of].

I spent the past week in Florida, Winter Haven to be exact. I flew down with my parents to visit my grandparents in their snow-bird country club they use to escape the harsh Minnesota winters. Carefree Country Club has been my spring break destination 14+ times in my 25 years. It was lovely to be back.

Now, I'm home and ready for spring. God must have known I'd have a little trouble transitioning back to winter after seeing grass, sun, rain, and heat for a week because we had a 40+ degree day in Minnesota in February! I am rested, recharged, and ready for what's ahead in both my personal and professional life.

The trip was amazing and I'm excited to share some of it with you starting tomorrow. Here's a taste of the beauty that is central Florida.



1 comment:

  1. Oh My!

    That tree!! It is gorgeous and leaves me speechless.

    Welcome back!


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