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Monday, November 8, 2010

Pribula Family - Buffalo, MN Family Photography

Photographing babies is amazing.

Even more amazing is getting the chance to photograph a baby for the second time; except this time, they're not really babies anymore.

Earlier this summer, I got the chance to photograph Eli at just 7 weeks old. This past weekend, it was time for Eli's 6 month photos. He is older, stronger, bigger and yet the same personality that was just peeking through at 7 weeks is still there, just much more developed. He loves his daddy, he thinks his mama is hilarious when she makes funny sounds, and he gets the most serious look when there's a camera pointed his way. I'm excited to see what he's like in another few months, as he grows even more.

Katie and Mitch, thank you for having me come again to photograph you guys. One of these times, I'm going to be really funny and get Eli to crack a smile on my own. xoxo, Laura









1 comment:

  1. What a cutie! I love the one of him in the leaves with his tongue sticking out... priceless!


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