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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday Wonders

A few random things about this past week:

-Matt and I have a spider infestation in our apartment. Ok, it's not an infestation by any real means. There are tons of spiders on the siding on our side of the building [they like the heat from the sun apparently] and so any time that we open the windows or sliding door, they somehow weasel their way in through the screens. The process usually goes like this:

Me - Matt!! There's a spider!! Come get it!

Matt - Comes in with a shoe, or whatever is available and rescues me.

-My sister and I had a surprisingly successful garage sale this weekend. We greatly surpassed our hopes of making $10 each. I'm going to try to sell some of the remaining goodies tomorrow and then the rest goes to charity. The camera strap I've been eyeing will be mine soon, [but now that I can look for one, I can't decide which one to buy.]

There have been many blessings this past week in this neck of the woods - among them being a successful garage sale, Matt's completion of his 20 page research paper for his English class, and me photographing my first event yesterday.

The biggest of the week though, in my eyes, was Monday morning - I went fishing with my dad.

Just the two of us. Out on the lake by 7:30 am. [I am not a morning person, so waking up at 6 was rough. So worth it though.]

We caught some fish, listened to the birds chirping wildly, saw a beaver building up it's nest, listened to loons, and saw an osprey diving for fish. Then, once we were finished, I came home and crawled in bed while Matt worked on homework next to me. I took a nap.

It was a wonderful day.

God is so great.

I'm going on an adventure with Matt this weekend to the wedding of one of our Marine Corps friends. Good times surely await.

God bless,


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